Pasadena Productions: the bookings office for your wedding, reception, birthday, meeting or event!

Pasadena has over 30 years of experience in organising events and shows. Over the years the offerings of bands has increased a lot. Pasadena only offers bands that came through the selection.

Whether you're looking for a swinging cover band, Carribbean music, classical ensemble or gospel, everything is possible. We can even arrange DJs, discos, sound and lighting. Find out more about our bands and ensembles by browsing through our selection. You can even place your favourite band on hold on a particular date without any obligation.

At the section Bands you can find the bands including there biography, repertoire, the formation, pictures and video's where available.

Have a look at the Gig-Guide to find out when and where your favourite band is performing. Because after all, seeing a band live is the best criterion.

Haven't decided in which venue your event will take place? In the section Venues we've made a selection of great venues of which we have worked together in the past.

Do you have questions or ideas? In the sections About and Contact you can find more information of the company and on through which ways you can reach us.

Jan & Willem Kiewiet de Jonge

February top 5